Courses Available

Our Courses can be tailored to you workplace taking into consideration demographics and regional differences. They are about giving you staff the tools to manage and reduce conflict-based situations with.

Our range of courses

We have been providing a range of Conflict Management services to both the public and private sector for over 20 years with great success. We have added to our range of expertise by introducing additional complimentary training courses. We provide a full range of programmes, from Train the Trainer (teaching managers to teach their own teams) to onsite and online deliveries (with full a range of post course support materials).

You can select from any of our courses, although we prefer to understand your needs before offering solutions. With our wide and varied experiences, we can provide solutions that will make a difference for both your staff, customers and visitors alike. See what we can do for your organisation, get in touch with us today.

Browse through our courses

  • Conflict Resolution for Clinical Settings

    Conflict Resolution Training is seen as a key preventative measure within a framework designed to tackle violence in the NHS, complementing reactive measures that have already been developed to deal with the aftermath of an incident.

    Conflict resolution training (CRT) is a means of providing employees of NHS organisations and providers of NHS services with the skills to spot signs of a potentially violent incident before it escalates. It teaches them how to defuse, prevent and manage an incident without the use of physical restraint.

  • Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

    Conflicts in the workplace can sometimes arise when two or more parties have different objectives, opinions, or styles. With Conflict resolution, we examine how to address those differences with a variety of different strategies to find a common ground that enables everyone to work together peacefully.

  • Challenging Behaviours

    Challenging behaviour is often a manifestation of a person’s distress and an attempt by the person to communicate their unmet needs.

    In a clinical setting, it may result from an individual feeling threatened, fearful, or anxious, suffering delusions or hallucinations, or it may be in response to a difficult situation, or a misinterpretation of the actions of other people.

  • Difficult Conversations

    A Difficult Conversation should never be avoided, no matter how challenging the prospect may seem.

    They involve emotional and sensitive issues, but if dealt with correctly can effectively manage performance, promote attendance and improve team relationships.

  • Conflict Resolution Breakaway Techniques

    This course aims to provide practical, effective Conflict Management and Breakaway Techniques to Frontline staff and professionals, whose work brings them into direct contact with members of the public during the course of their everyday duties. It provides them with safe, effective physical Breakaway Techniques based on the level of threat posed in conflict situations that become physical when non-physical techniques break down.

  • Low Level Physical Intervention in a Clinical Setting

    To provide staff with the knowledge of safe, effective, minimal-level physical intervention techniques for dealing safely with adult patients in situations where Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) is required.

  • Restrictive Physical Intervention of Adults (Patients)

    To provide staff with the knowledge of safe, effective, low-level, and efficient physical intervention systems for dealing safely and humanely with adult patients in situations where Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI) is required

  • Breakaway, Restraint & Control for Security Teams

    This course is aimed at frontline Security staff and professionals whose work brings them into direct contact with members of the public.

    To provide the delegates with safe, effective, low-level, and efficient physical intervention systems for dealing safely and humanely with adult

    patients in situations where a situation of conflict has escalated and requires interventions to prevent harm to themselves or others.

  • Breakaway, Restraint & Control and Weapons Defence Techniques

    Aimed at staff and teams of professionals whose roles bring them into direct contact with members of the public who have escalated to a very high threat level and could include the use of edged and offensive weapons. It looks to use techniques to safely, humanely, and with the minimum amount of force required, restrain and control people where no alternative course of action exists within the bounds of the law and policy guidelines. 

  • Online (E-Learning) Conflict Resolution Training

    All our courses are available as Trainer-led (with video for Physical Techniques where applicable) through the Microsoft TEAMS online Learning platform, allowing the attendance of scattered teams and lone workers to participate and benefit from the full range of courses.

    They are also available as online post-course support areas.

  • Teambuilding

    This course aims to develop a  process of encouraging members of a group to work well together, for example by having them take part in activities, games, and exercises: The course puts a lot of emphasis on cooperation and communication.

  • Telephone Techniques

    Good telephone techniques leave customers with a positive impression of you and your organisation, whilst also making your role more rewarding by encouraging positive interaction. We examine a number of complimentary strategies to achieve a positive experience both for you and the customer.

  • First Aid Training & FAW (incl. AED)

    Our First Aid courses, through Emergency First Response, encompass adult, child, and infant CPR and first aid skills, and incorporate Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training. 

    Emergency First Response also offers comprehensive First Aid at Work courses, specifically designed to meet national and international compliance standards for CPR and first aid courses in the workplace.

  • Manual Handling

    Moving or lifting objects incorrectly is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries. Training on this aspect of health and safety is about teaching your employees to move heavy items safely either by lifting, carrying, lowering, pushing, or pulling them.

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Where are we?

We are centrally based in Northampton, with access to most locations in the UK.

We also work abroad, contact us for more information on where we travel.

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